An Audience is Never Wrong.

An audience is never wrong. An individual member of it may be an imbecile, but a thousand imbeciles together in the dark - that is critical genius
- Billy Wilder
From the big picture to the nitty-gritty details
7057media puts your project in perfect focus



has different needs, which means every film — narrative or documentary, drama or comedy, animation or horror — needs its own specific marketing and distribution plan.
We know there’s no one-size-fits-all solution
What We Do

Identify and target your passionate core audience — the few who can reach the many.

Create and support strategic promotional partnerships with grassroots and digital marketing initiatives and optimize web presence, social media, and email campaigns.

Provide incentives and opportunities for organizations, groups, media outlets, and influencers to drive the engines of engagement.

Translate awareness into commerce-generating action!

360º Marketing Strategy

Screening Programs
(Targeted and National)

Release and Digital

Business Development

Social Media

Creative Ways to Build Audiences

Grassroots Outreach

Film Festival Strategy
Our Services

About Liz Ogilvie

With over two decades working in the traditional and digital entertainment marketing and distribution space, Liz Ogilvie’s focus is on strategic partnerships and community outreach connections. Her company, 7057media, incorporates smart marketing and distribution strategies for exhibition and digital releases driven by audience engagement and digital tools.
Our logo, the aperture magnifying glass, represents our detailed focus, our unique blend of creativity, practicality, and flexibility, and our belief in the power of effective strategy.